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Jumat, Juli 03, 2009

What I feel about my department and the content of English that I want

I have two feel about my department, sometimes I dissatisfied and sometimes proud. I have good and bad point. The good points are in the first impression on English department is very good department and there are so many great lecturer but not all lecturer, I got a big motivation to learn English harder, I expect by learn in this department, I also could be great like my lecturer (in the future I get title Ph.D maybe). Sometimes I cannot get the point of materials from my lecturer this is my biggest challenges always try to be positive thinking that is “if my friends can do (get the point), why I cannot” so I learn more and more impetuous again. This is a great department, great faculty, and great university. And I believe that I can to be great one. And the bad points are the lecturers often come to the class does not on time, change schedule and make me lost my lesson for several times and lecturer did not tell her students if he did not attend the class so that we were tired because waiting him for long time. And I feel dissatisfied about the learning method that given by some lecturer. I have experience in some class make me felt bored because the lecturer was not gave the material attractively, I feel return when I am students in senior high school. It is not funny but it is real. My friends and I bored and felt sleepy. Then I thought that didn’t have a spirit to join that class again in the next weeks, but what I did if I did not came to the class? So I joined the class again even I looked like just signed the attendant list. I want content-based approach in learn English because this content not only improve my English language skills, but challenge me to broaden my perspectives and search for new knowledge. In content-based approach, all four language skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) are fully integrated and not artificially separated, in order for me to gain confidence in all areas of language acquisition. I am able to gain English language skills in an intellectually stimulating and content rich learning environment, and are exposed to “authentic” English. The strength of the content-based method is that language learning is contextualized and purposeful. The more language is used in the pursuit of a specific goal, the sooner the language is acquired. And the essential difference between a content-based approach to language learning and other content/traditional approaches is that the focus is not exclusively, or even primarily on language learning. This is my reason why the content-based approach as the content of English that I want.

1 komentar:

  1. mudah2an ga keberatan dikasi komentar
    I have good and bad point = points
    there are so many great lecturer = lecturers
    I expect by learn English = by learning
    i can to be = I can be
    does not on time = mungkin kl pake "late" lebh bagus
    lecturer did not tell her students if he did not attend the class = ii membingungkan, dosen nya co or ce? her + he
    the lecturer was not gave the material == it should be active voice, why passive?
    gitu aja dulu...
    laen kali disambung deh...
    jangan tersinggugn ya....


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